Vimal Kant Pandey
1. Radiation tolerant circuit design
2. Reliability testing of ICs
3. Digital and RF circuit design
1. 鋰電池在電動汽車應用中健康狀態的預估和診斷 104-2218-E-182-001
2. 整合型質子射程 / 劑量驗證用線上即時造影系統研發之子計畫三:加馬檢測器的電訊號處理系統晶片畫及其輻射損傷的防治
3. 整合型促進與提升第五間粒子束流實驗室之研發與服務能量研究之子計畫三:建置電子零件和電路的抗輻射評估能力-1
4. Investigation of the impacts of proton and neutron radiation of various energy on silicon semiconductor through simulation
E-mail: vimalpandey94@gmail.com

Abdul Shabir
1. Density Functional Theory
2. Failure Mechanisms
3. LED Reliability
1. Investigation of Silicone Degradation Mechanisms using DFT
2. Failure mechanisms of White and Blue LED’s under different stress conditions
3. Failure mechanisms of Phosphor/QD LED’s
E-mail: abdulshabir@outlook.com